Sunday August 23,2015
We knew that winds would be light in the morning, and building in the afternoon from the South. We were at the north end of Geogian Bay, and waves can get mean after a fetch of over 100 miles.
We pulled up anchor as the sun was rising, and headed out into Georgian Bay. It was the perfect morning to set our Genoa and relax. We followed the chart carefully and entered the channel for Beaverstone Bay. Loved all the potential places to anchor there. At the north end of the bay, it is very narrow and shallow. We circled for 15 minutes while two motor boats slowly came thru the shallows toward us. We made it without a bump. Yeah! We spent the next couple of hours in Collins Inlet. A long narrow channel behind Philip Edward Island. It was deep and straight, lined with rocky cliffs. Beautiful.
We emerged into Georgian Bay about 4 miles from Killarney. 4 miles of Hell! We were headed west and the wind was blowing from the south. We were tossed about like a cork. Jim stood gripping the wheel at the helm, legs wide apart, knees bent, ready for the next wave. I had been sitting on the cockpit cushion, but the cushion and I had landed on the sole (floor), and there I stayed until we reached The calm waters of Killarney around 2pm.
We got a slip at the Killarney Mountain Lodge, explored the town, enjoyed the hotel pool, and had dinner at the hotel dining room. Except for the four miles from Hell, it was a great day!