
Little current






Tuesday August 25, 2015
We left Covered Portage Cove around 8am and headed out along Killarney Bay and Landsdowne Channel. We decided to skip Baie Fine. Not enough time for everything. We crossed Frazier Bay and moored for lunch in a cove on the north side of Heywood Island. After lunch we headed towards Little Current across the North Channel.
After we had passed the Strawberry Island Lighthouse, we realized that would not make it to the little current swing bridge in time for the 3pm opening. So we dawdled for an hour, and we’re at the bridge on the dot of 4pm.
Filled the tanks with diesel in Little Current. Night at town dock. Nice couple with their 3 year old daughter next to us.
In the morning, we went to the Anchor Inn 2nd floor conference room for the boaters net broadcast. Roy has been doing this every morning (July and August) at 9am on channel 71 for 12 years. After broadcasting the weather, news, sports, and this day in history, all the boats in the north channel have the opportunity to call in with their boat name and location. Great idea. After several days of listening in, it was fun to watch the broadcast live!


  1. Clark and Anderson Team Members!!!!!

    YUM – Thank You!!!!!!!!! Am I to share???? Just kidding!!!!! We will all enjoy the fudge – came just in time – right before lunch.
    Hope you are doing well – miss my “Good Morning” Greating!!!!!! Di

  2. becky folkemer

    Georgeous views and fun reading about your journey. Finally got the time to enjoy your site since all the grands are back in school except for Laura’s kids. This is their last week in Maine. Juliana celebrated her 5 th birthday yesterday. What a dream those kids are. Will miss them when they head south. Imagine you had great times and fond memories of Grace being your extra crew member!


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