Sunday September 13 – Monday, September 14, 2015
The winds had finally died, and we had to be in Chicago by Monday afternoon for our flight home to Maryland. We were up before sunrise, Jim did his engine check, I made a mug of tea, the Danish pastry came out of its bag, and we were off, sailing (and motoring) south.
It was a beautiful clear day, and it was fun to see the city of Chicago rise slowly from the horizon. Our first glimmer of the Sears tower (now called something else) was from over 40 miles away!
Motoring by downtown Chicago was a high point of our trip!
We pulled into the 31st street marina, a few miles south of downtown, took a taxi to Morton’s for a delicious steak dinner, and collapsed early. It had been a very long day, and we had covered 49 miles.
I had a surprise in the morning, on my way to the marina showers. A mararatchi band had played for a party the night before, and the after party had ended up on a boat in our marina. Can’t say that I’ve ever had a selfie with 3 men in their tight black band pants at 8am before!
Jim’s medical school classmate Jorge, gave us a tour of Chicago and his home. We had lunch in a wonderful Grrek restaurant, and before we knew it, we were sitting on our Southwest Airlines flight, headed for Maryland.