Wednesday October 7, 2015
We had an appointment with the mechanic from the marina to change the oil, and such. Finally all was finished. We headed south again, past great flocks of migrating white Pelicans. We have heard that the Pelicans never used to come to this area, but now they are everywhere. Maybe they got the word about the Asian carp. Lots of them too!
I have invented a new word, “churtleing”. It is chugging along at a turtle’s pace.
We were slow, but we were faster than the tug and barges. Most of the tugs were pushing 15 barges, three wide by five long. Amazing to watch the tug turn the load.
We anchored at the same spot as our northbound trip, behind Turner Island, well outside of the channel. Shrimp dinner and a beautiful sunset. Wonderful!