
Columbus Mississippi






Friday November 20, 2015
I had had it with travelling at night, and anchoring on the edge of the channel. I wanted to go to a marina. Someplace safe where I could sleep in peace. And I wasn’t cooking either!
We got an early start, and we were on our way by 6:30am. We only had one lock. We pulled into the Aberdeen lock, and were told that they were waiting for another rec (recreational) vessel. A few minutes later a 50′ yacht showed up, securing their lines on the opposite wall. I called out to them as the water level went down in the lock, would they like to exit first? They were faster and bigger than we were. Ok, they said. Then the gates opened at the end of the lock chamber, and there was a mass of sticks and logs the whole way across the opening. The cruising boat approached the debris, and then spun around to disburse the logs with their stern thrusters. It was like a marine log blower!
We pulled into Columbus Marina at noon. Yeah! Kit, on the next boat, helped us tie up at the transient dock. Before we’d plugged in our 30 amp cord, I volunteered to take Pam and Kit’s Christmas card photo with their camera. By the time they’d come over for a tour of our boat, it was decided that we would all go out the Hank’s for ribs in the marina’s courtesy card. We were joined there by Dick and Pat, all Loopers like us. Great dinner! Fabulous ribs! We bought an extra slab for leftovers.

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