Monday November 23, 2015
The mechanic arrived in the morning to fix our water intake problem. It was such a simple fix, we could do it ourselves, if there is a next time. He undid the water line at the strainer, attached our garden hose, and turned on the water. We heard some gurgles followed by a pop. The water hyacinth plug was gone.
We called the lock. What was the status of the lock? The wind had shifted from the day before, and we’d been watching the great clumps of water hyacinths on the move. The lock man confirmed that there was about 100 feet of weed in front of the lock. Darn! No leaving. We did not want a repeat performance. So we made the most of it. We borrowed the marina’s minivan and went to a Japanese steak house with Pat and Dick (not Nixon) from Dream Catcher, in the next slip.