Friday November 27, 2015
We have a composting toilet, and every month or so we need to deal with the poop bucket. We love the fact that we don’t have to pump out a holding tank. When we first bought our boat it smelled horribly. Now it does not. Except once in a while, just a little smell, our signal that we need to empty the bucket and put in new peat moss and a little water.
It was another gorgeous day! Since Demopolis we have been travelling on the Black Warrior Tombigbee Waterway. This part of our route has two locks, and will end in 217 at Mobile, Alabama. It is a remote area with very few houses. We were on the lookout for alligators!
We arrived at Bobby’s Fish Camp around 1pm. It is a place from a by gone era where probably scores of people would have come on their vacation to fish. Nothing else going on there except the restaurant, which is also a mini museum. The walls are covered in newspaper clippings reporting on a steamship that blew up and a grand old hotel that had burned down. Family photos, fishing photos, knick knacks, and a huge very old stuffed gar fish round out the decor. We had Southern style whole catfish for dinner. It was very good, but not quite as good as the fiddlers we’d enjoyed at the Catfish Hotel near Shiloh!
Bobby’s Fish Camp is not really a marina. It has a 100′ floating dock with power and water. They also sell gasoline. It is the only option besides anchoring between Demopolis and Mobile. It also has a bathroom. I can’t say that I have ever taken a shower with a frog before! He hopped into the garden shed/bathroom just as I was closing the door. I finally found him tucked into the plastic molding around the shed door. I don’t know who was more surprised!
Quiet night tied up on the side of the river at Bobby’s.