Tuesday, May 5, 2015 The America’s Great Loop Cruisers’ Association spring rendezvous was in full swing with talks on what to expect on various legs of the trip, tips on boat maintenance, and safety equipment demonstrations. There were around 40 boats there, and many (including ours) were open for looper crawls. We love seeing other people’s boats!
At the end our open house, I had a tiny bit of champagne left over, so I wandered over to the next slip, to Jon and Lynn’s boat. My friend Celi and I have a little competition whenever we go anywhere together. Who will run into someone they know? Even though Celi was far, far away from Norfolk, I thought of her when I entered the boat next to ours, and spotted “Philadelphia” on a man’s name tag. Darn, I immediately thought, Celi is going to know this guy, because she lives in Philadelphia. But, on second glance, I realized that I knew him. So, did Celi, so it was a tie. Skip, Jim’s 2nd cousin’s ex, is hoping to start the Great Loop in the next year or so. We know him from Maine, and haven’t seen him in years. Fun!
Meanwhile, Miss Fish had Mr. Fish’s attention. They both completely ignored our guests on the looper craw. I am going to have to give them a little lecture on manners. If they are going to be stowaways on our boat, they have to behave! Night at Tidewater Marina, Norfolk, Virginia.