Tuesday, November 29, 2022
We anchored a few miles offshore from Thursday Island around noon, and we took the launch to shore for an independent walk. I managed to find several buttons in a general store that might work to replace a broken button on Jim’s blue shirt. We also bought a small duffel bag that will come in handy when we have to pack up and leave the ship in Sydney! Not much to see in the town. We went in most of the shops that were open, including the post office/ grocery store. When we returned to the pier, we could see that one of the ship’s tenders was floating in the harbor. Another tender came from the ship to drop a mechanic at the disabled tender, and then it came to pick up passengers. The sign in the tender says it holds 235 people. They were not packing people in that tight, and they cut off the line when we were about 10th in line. So we had to wait longer for the next tender back to the ship. It is always wonderful to slip into the Infiniti pool after a hot day in shore.
We had dinner at the Chef’s Table, the “California” menu. Yummy!