Wednesday July 1, 2015
We left the Scotia town dock after a morning cab ride to the ATT store and back. I now have an I-pad, and Jim got his phone fixed.
We were ready to put some miles under our belt, but it was not to be. We called ahead to lock #9 after we’d gone through lock #8. Lock #9 was a nightmare. All the gates were open on the dam, and there were whirlpools of huge trees swirling around near the entrance to the lock. There was white water everywhere. The lock master discouraged us from going thru, so we turned around and headed back down the river a few miles to the Arrowhead Rv park and marina. They were very helpful with our tie up in front of the office. It turned out to be a great place. I did our laundry and watched the rain from a dry spot.
You are really finding some great spots to tie up. They sound so interesting.
It sounds like you are having a wonderful trip!